About Us
What We Do: Provide quality and professional USCG Third-Party Organization (TPO) services by utilizing the skills and knowledge of our customers, mariners, and marine professionals.
Our Mission: Work together… to promote safe, secure, and environmentally sound towing vessels operating on the waters of the United States.
Our Value Statement: We value our simplicity, customer input, and open communication to achieve our mission.
Quality Statement: The ITOW President, and all members of the ITOW operations team, are wholly committed to providing our towing vessel industry clients with superior Third-Party Organization services towards their 46 CFR Subchapter M compliance initiatives. All ITOW members shall participate in providing safe and knowledgeable management practices that comply with national regulations, industry standards, and supporting guidance applicable to 46 CFR Subchapter M.
ITOW focuses on continual improvement of their Management System by conducting periodic reviews of its quality goals, objectives, and operational procedures. This is accomplished through implementing and maintaining a Quality Management System meeting ISO 9001 requirements.